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Interactive magazine that you can create for free and in less than 2 minutes

Interactive magazine that you can create for free and in less than 2 minutes

Recently, I attempted to create an interactive magazine using various online tools and software suites I invested in. The problem I encountered is that I had difficulty using these programs and was in need of something more simplistic and easier to manage. Something that could save me a great deal of time and effort in launching a magazine that looked great and that functioned virtually for readers to take advantage of. Luckily, after much research, I came across the free services of YUMPU Publishing. I can honestly say, that since finding their website and discovering the unique services they have to offer, I have never been happier and have saved myself a great deal of time and effort when it comes to launching each issue of my online interactive magazine.

Create your interactive magazine now! Secure 20% for 12 months on all plans now! Enter the code MichaelG20

Table of contents

How to create an Interactive Magazine for free!

I’m new to the game of online publishing. I excel when it comes to crafting rich content and laying out pages in digital magazine-style. The problem I faced was determining how to take these pages I had created to present them online in a brilliant manner that did not require the reader to download the digital magazine. I wanted to simply be able to experience it online.

That is one of the best features of YUMPU Publishing, my favorite digital magazine software. I was able to create my magazine and save it in .pdf format. I loved the look and feel of my first issue and was excited to see what it would look like once active online.

After registering a free account with YUMPU Publishing all I had to do was simply upload my interactive magazine to their website and give it a name. Within a matter of minutes, the YUMPU Publishing website had taken my .pdf document and had converted it to a digital magazine online.

The upload was quick and it maintained the look and layout design I had placed in the .pdf document. But now I was able to share the completed project with my readers in a vibrant manner wherein they could flip pages in the digital magazine and could even click on hyperlinks I had embedded in the document. This truly made my new digital magazine pop!

A digital Magazine is compatible with mobile devices – iPad, iPhone, and more…

Another thing I concerned myself with was the viewing devices my readers would be using to access my interactive magazine. The great thing about the free online magazine creator is that it is fully compatible with a wide variety of viewing platforms including desktop access and mobile services. If I had attempted to execute my digital publishing on my own, I doubt I would have been able to manage the mobile option. That is why I have fallen in love with this software. Their system does everything for you and can truly take your work to the next level of virtual publication.

Another thing I concerned myself with is how I would present the new digital magazine to my followers. I have a website that serves as my main portal. The great thing about the software is they have widgets in place that allowed me to embed my new digital magazine directly on my main website, on my online store, and also on Facebook. Their website is also fully integrated with all the major social networks I take advantage of to market my brand and services.

Honestly, the more I learn about YUMPU Publishing the more impressed I become.

Something I had never considered before was adding audio and video to my online PDF magazine to make it even more interactive. But after learning that YUMPU Publishing offers this unique option to add audio and video I am considering making my digital magazine publishing more interactive and media-friendly in order to take advantage of these unique audio and video features that other like websites simply don’t offer their users magazines.

Register, upload, and share your Magazine

If you truly want to generate high-quality and engaging digital magazines that have the potential to spread like wildfire, I would fully recommend using the services of YUMPU Publishing. Just register an account and test out their services. I think once you do you will be a long-time user of their services as I’m sure I will be.

There truly are no limits to what they can do. Even if you just want to make an interactive flyer or brochure and not a full magazine, you can use their services to do that as well.

Finally, let me say this; not only is their website and services amazing, but they also have one of the best support teams I’ve come across. They are always eager to help and go out of their way to ensure the success of their users.

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The Author

I'm Eddie Stephenson. As a graphic artist, I have been advised about creating a PDF portfolio of my work since gaining my graphic design diploma.I'm a passionated freelancer and blogger. If you have any questions feel free to comment one of my articles!
Have fun reading ;)